Ithilien Spring Hunter #LOTRO Fashion

With warmer weather slowly creeping into our neck of the woods, I can’t help longing for every shade of green to just permeate the earth.  While this outfit is also designed around flower-picking in North Ithilien– it is a bit more casual than the snowbeast outfit I recently shared.  Lhinnthel’s gear is very simple and easily found throughout Middle-earth.  Her war-steed has been outfitted with everything needed to survive in the wilds on an extended trip! Continue reading

#LOTRO Fashion: Flower-picking Beast


With my renewed determination to pick enough flowers to purchase jewelry and armour for Lhinnthel, I have turned into a flower picking beast!  Of course, every adventure starts with the perfect outfit… right?!  This particular outfit has no rhyme or reason whatsoever. In fact, it’s a veritable hobbitygloop of bits and pieces — but I have grown to love it.  Plus, the colors match the gorgeous flowers and landscape of North Ithilien very well.  So, it’s the perfect camouflage for my hunter ;-)


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My Week in LOTRO :: Lothlórien

After escaping no less than 3 more times, Avlina is just about finished in Moria and trying very hard to earn the trust of the Galadhrim. The few times she had been sent out of the deep dark, she so enjoyed running about in Lothlórien! It was an honor to meet with and lend aid to Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel. And, recounting the escape from Rushdurinul, with a captive Mazog, was very exciting. Lady Issuriel thanked Avlina immensely for her help. Continue reading